Cultivate Social Entrepreneurship for Regeneration – Mieke Elzenga about the proejct Liber Terra in the Netherlands

Short summary:

The project is about creating an ecological farm in which young asylum seekers have a chance to learn about habits in the Netherlands and learn about farming cycles. This project tackles many topics of sustainability, providing organic food, having a social impact, reducing carbon emissions and address the generational problem of children not continuing their parents farms. The project tries to be ethnically diverse, opposed to comparable projects around the Netherlands. Frieda looks back on a whole lot of experience visiting other projects, from which she distilled the positives to improve her project. She explains the struggles of aligning her personal goals with the goals of government ministries to secure funding.

“It is a holistic project. It is about ecoculture, it is about living, it is about taking care of people, it is about diversity, it is about infrastructure, about economics, about waste, about another way of thinking.”

Mieke Elzenga
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