Practice conflict facilitation, communication and peacebuilding skills – Maja Turniski about the Suncokret centre for community development in a rural region that suffered heavily from the civil war and the recent earthquake.

Short summary:

Maja Turniski PH.D. is a Croatian Psychologist who works for a nongovernmental organisatian – the Suncokret centre for community development in a rural region that suffered heavily from the civil war and the recent earthquake. By inviting both – the regional as well as international youth to participate in various camp-formats and voluntary actions her foundation builds new bridges for communication and healing. At the sam time it allows the participants to gain a lot of practical knowledge about redesigning their environment in a permaculture way as well as social and languag skills.

“It´s building up trust but it has taken years. We have included everybody in the community and we keep our channels of communication open.”

Maja Turniski
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