Spread core patterns of regeneration – Alexander Clark about the Project Meadows in the Making in Scotland

Short summary:

Alexander Clark is the sustainability services manager for the University of St Andrews and he manages the environment team and transition team. The environment team according to him, is mainly about the service delivery, making sure that they keep the lights on, and the bins empty, but also looking at how to move forward to tackle climate change, whether it is pushing the University to become net zero by 2025, or whether it is becoming “sustainability positive” and making sure they are addressing the nature emergency and engaging staff and students and also looking at how the campus can adapt to the challenges of climate change. Some of the projects he is involved with, are community ones such as St Andrews Use, looking at end of term reuse scheme, trying to encourage students to donate items either for charities of for new students coming to the university. Another one is meadows on the making, trying to enhance biodiversity within the campus, or others to look at sustainable travels and trying to encourage people to opt for a bike during their time in St Andrews and to involve more environment team focused projects. For example, they work very close with the catering teams, looking at sustainable food, and making sure they have an action plan providing more low carbon food alternatives, working on managing waste, and making sure they are supporting more sustainable options of waste management and also trying to be more energy efficiency as well. He also works as a councillor for Fife council and the St Andrews Trust and his focus is to collaborate and work with community-led initiatives to try to make a differences on peoples life and the community.

“… all the successful I think is really that partnership and collaboration working, I think when you can find some ground that people can relate to and you can show that well, if you work on something we both want, we can work together on that and we can get a solution that’s going to be practical for us all and yeah, that partnership and collaboration is the most important aspect”.

Alexander Clark
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