Promote health, healing and wellbeing for all – Ole Underland about the Hurdal psychiatric Recovery Center in Norway

Short summary:

Ole Underland is the founder of a psychological clinic in Norway which is based on the ideas and the wishes of the patiens. The concept of the clinic is innovative and new. The clinic was founded because of the needs of the government close to the norwegian ecovillage Hurdal. The collaboration with the local authorities works strong and well and the improvement rate of the diseases is very high, since the patients can participate within the establishment of the treatments. The idea is to copy this model to other places in Norway and also in Europe.

The most important thing is to have a good communication and you have to remember that this this always on your side, because the municipality is there, because the inhabitants of the municipality have some needs. So, the municipality is not that clever to think of, to be interactive. So, you have to invest quite a little of time to talk to the local authorities and to keep up the conversation and to invite people to look at your project and to open mind and a open house.

Ole Underland
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