This course was originally a live course with pre-recorded course content and interactive webinars running over the period of 4 months in spring 2021 and is now available to you as a self-paced course!
Do you feel curious and enthusiastic about the ecovillage movement and the new story we live and tell? Maybe you are already a GEN Ambassador and you would like to tap more fully into your commitment and engagement to represent GEN and your region?
This self-paced course will familiarise you with a wide range of techniques, materials, practices and inspirations for public speaking, presenting skills, storytelling, GEN, and becoming an effective leader and ambassador for the regenerative movement. With a mix of learning materials, videos and exercises.
This self-paced course is for you, if you want to:
- Get an in-depth look at the Global Ecovillage Network and become part of our GEN and Ambassadors networks
- Get to know and learn directly from experienced speakers and representatives of GEN
- Improve your speaking and presenting skills as well as your leadership presence to boost your impact as an inspiring speaker and ecovillage ambassador
- Learn skills, techniques and practices to feel more confident in speaking and presenting, whether it’s GEN, your own project, or your own story
- Explore the stories you are currently holding about yourself and the world as well as the ones you want to tell and live for inspiring change
This self-paced course will cover:
- Tips on how to find your right audience & to become a confident speaker
- Tools & Techniques for Public speaking
- Acting and other adjacent skills to support Public Speaking
- Storytelling and alternative narratives
- Tips and tools to step into your full leadership presence
- Videos, slideshows and tips on how to present GEN International and our regions GENNA, GEN Europe, GEN Africa, CASA and GENOA
- Various practices for you to get the most out of the course content
*This course taken together with the GEN Introduction course goes towards qualifying you to become a GEN Ambassador!
Course themes:
- Section 1 “Introduction and presenting GEN”
- Section 2 “Tools and techniques for speaking and presenting“
- Section 3 “Speaking with confidence and adjacent skills for presenting”
- Section 4 “Storytelling and alternative narratives”
- Section 5 “Leadership presence and closing”
Your facilitator and guest speakers:

Tessa Brock is the Global Ecovillage Network Ambassador Coordinator and a GEN Trainer. She has been a trainer in multiple transnational projects through the years, on the topics of social entrepreneurship, sustainable development, community building and ecovillage transition.
Born in South Africa, during the final years of Apartheid, Tessa grew up well aware of collective trauma, social inequality and knowing the importance of community in healing people and nations. She now strives to showcase the importance of ecovillages in the world and how they can be a very practical but also appropriate solution to many global issues.
Tessa has a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) and a Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainable Development (Major in Renewable Energy). She’s traveled extensively in the last 5 years, visiting, training and learning in ecovillages internationally, and has been based in the Findhorn Ecovillage for the last 4 years.

Rob Wheeler is part of the GEN Elder’s Council, and as GEN’s Main Representative to the UN he has been an active participant in the UN’s primary sustainable development processes for more than twenty years and has given numerous presentations at the United Nations, as well as for conferences at the local and national level.
He is also serving on the Advisory Council for the Ecosystem Restoration Camps, the Facilitating Group for Action for Sustainable Development, the Board of the EarthRights Institute, and he is also a Findhorn Fellow and certified trainer with GAIA Education in Design for Sustainability with a specialty in the Ecological Dimension.
Currently, he is living at the Heathcote Ecovillage Community and part of GEN’s PanAfrican Ecovillage Development Programme Core Team.

Kenza Isnasni is the founding director of Habiba-Ahmed Foundation. She holds a master’s degree in International Relations and Diplomacy with a concentration in Peace and Conflicts Studies.
Kenza is also a humanitarian activist who is very sensitive to questions related to human rights, education, climate change and environmental protection, interfaith and intercultural dialogue. Kenza was involved in various humanitarian missions and projects in different countries. Kenza believes that engaging in the healing of our communities and our environment is our generation’s most important work.
Eve Ballard is a young Australian environmental activist and a co-founder of Permayouth. Permayouth is a youth-led community that has come together to make a positive difference in the world. They started as a small group of friends, and in only a little over 12 months we have become an international circle of teenagers from 5 continents.

Eve is Warm Data Lab host and had the honour to study with Fritjof Capra a leading physicist, systems theorist, and deep ecologist. Eve also is a talented eco-poet and shares her poetry at monthly Global Permayouth Festivals and other gatherings where people and leading mentors come together to share ideas on Permaculture, regenerative, and ecological challenges.
Eve lives on a Permaculture property along with her family in the beautiful Noosa Hinterland where she is able to practice Permaculture as a part of her daily life.
Leah Lamb is a writer, storyteller, and performance artist who works with story as a tool for healing. She is the creator of the school for sacred storytelling, where she teaches a modality of storytelling for self discovery, community building, and healing trauma. She has toured healing story ceremonies across the country, and is the creator of Soul Stories.

She produced and hosted The Green Channel at Al Gore’s television network, has written award winning plays, PSA’s about climate, and her articles about climate and culture have been featured in Fast Company, Spirituality & Health Magazine, Huffington Post, and National Geographic News Watch. She is writing the book series, The Whale Dreamer.
More information about Leah Lamb, you can find under:
Laura Pasetti is a theatre director, playwright and eco-theatre pedagogue who has been working in the theatrical field for the last 30 years. She runs a theatre company based in Edinburgh and recently relocated to Moray called Charioteer Theatre, specialising in work for 13+ and cross-cultural projects with artists of different nationalities.

She has been teaching professional actors at the National Theatre of Italy for 10 years and runs regular workshops and courses for professional and non-professional performing artists both in the UK and in Italy. In the last 3 years, she has re-located to Findhorn (my
soul’s nest) and developed several pieces of work combining theatre and nature. She devised her own method of work based on theatre as the most ancient form of learning and re-membering. Through theatre humans connect to the natural world and re-discover their sense of belonging. Currently, she is working on a self-development and educational path which she calls Theatre of the 7 Directions; it is designed for humans eager to regain their true identity as part of the more than human world and find their place on this planet.
Macaco Tamerice (Martina Grosse Burlage) is a sociologist, a life coach, an expert in human processes specialized in community-building, inner transformation, leadership and conflict resolution. In her life she researched with passion how to regenerate our planet and human systems.

Macaco has been living at Damanhur, Federation of Communities since 1993, where she has held many roles of artistic and social responsibilities, also the top leadership positions in the community. In 2008, she became Vice President and in 2009 President of the Global Ecovillage Network-Europe (GEN Europe) until 2015. She is one of GEN’s United Nations representative and the President of the NGO Damanhur Education. Macaco is a multi-lingual international speaker, facilitator of many courses and seminars, has organized and taught 11 EDEs.Trained in music and voice, she has toured as a professional jazz singer in Europe, Canada and Japan for over twenty years and has taught voice and led seminars since 1984. An advocate for sustainability, she lives in a straw bale house that she built together with her husband, a Peruvian architect.
Carmine Rodi (1977, M). Trainer, facilitator, lecturer, storyteller, author, blogger, stand-up comedian, psychotherapist-in-training. Active since 2001, he operates as a freelance professional in the field of communication and training for individuals, public entities, NGOs and businesses.

He uses the power of stories, activities based on experience, and educational games to create fun and effective tailor-made learning opportunities. Some of his specialties are communication skills, public speaking, personal and organizational development, story crafting and storytelling, intercultural communication and understanding. Born near Napoli (Italy) he currently lives in Prague (Czech Republic) with 1 wife, 2 children, 1 cat and 1 domestic robot. That’s all he can manage.
Maia Raymond is a 14 year old [pr]activist, founder of Permayouth and musician who lives in Crystal Waters Permaculture Ecovillage in Australia. She has studied with Fritjof Capra, Nora Bateson (to become a Warm Data Host) and Morag Gamble (her mum), and received her Permaculture Design Certificate in Uganda when she was 12.

She is passionate about helping others live an interdependent one-planet life despite the cascading effects of climate change and social crises around the world. Maia believes that permaculture is not only a way to create thriving planetary and personal ecosystems of abundance and a philosophy to view the world, but also a culture – a way to celebrate our lives through art, music, curiosity and imagination.
Dr. Geseko v. Lüpke, born in June 1958, a German freelance PhD scientist, holistic researcher, international networker, future researcher, author, award-winning journalist and guide for personal and collective transition processes. He studied Political Science, Anthropology and Journalism and holds a PhD on the subject of ‘Chinese Reunification Policy in the political Triangle of USA, USSR and China”.Later he studied all forms of journalism on the ‘German Journalist School’ in Munich and since then work as a freelancer for the biggest German newspaper (Süddeutsche Zeitung), all German, Swiss and Austrian Public Broadcasting Stations and magazines (‘Nature and Cosmos’ and others).

Eight books were published under his own name, many articles were published in about 10 other books and readers on cultural transition, rights of passage, transcultural theology, modern spirituality, and social change subjects. There are also about 100 long radio features in Public Broadcasting over the last 30 years in those areas. Besides that, he is researching for years in the areas of ‘deep ecology’ and ‘eco-psychology’, building up the ‘German Institute for Applied Deep Ecology’ and co-establishing deep ecology trainings like the ‘Holon-Training’
Tanya Mottl is born in Sydney and loves the salt, sea and wind. And stories! She is a GEN Ambassador, a graduate of the GEN Training of Trainers course and has recently done her PDC. She created the GEN Australia Communications circle and is part of the GEN AU Management team

She is passionate about the Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs) and experiential learning, has experience in training in corporates and also in camps for kids, has taught English as a second language and has worked for speakers bureaus and directly for an educational speaker doing business development and delivering training.
She dreams of living at Narara, sharing fabulous resources, learning, learning, learning and of facilitating GEN workshops.
In 1999, Daniel Greenberg founded the non-profit Living Routes, which partnered with UMass-Amherst to run study abroad programs based in ecovillages around the world. Over 1,500 students were transformed by these immersive experiences. Daniel left Living Routes in 2012 to start a new social venture called Earth Deeds, which offers online tools for individuals and groups to “onset” their unavoidable CO2 emissions and support meaningful sustainability projects.

Daniel has been a leading advocate for sustainability within international education and the ecovillage movement. He chaired Sustainability Task Forces for NAFSA: Association of International Educators and the Forum for Education Abroad, is co-founder and past Board Member of Gaia Education, and served as President of the Global Ecovillage Network from 2015-2019.
Morag Gamble is a global permaculture and ecovillage ambassador, teacher of permaculture teachers on 6 continents, homeschooler, permayouth mentor & perma-humanitarian. Crystal Waters has been her home for more than two decades.

Morag is director of the Permaculture Education Institute, CEO of Ethos Foundation – a permaculture education charity, leader of creator of Our Permaculture Life Youtube and blog, and host of Sense-Making in a Changing World podcast. She has taught around the world in ecovillage and permaculture centres and places like Schumacher College. She is also a member of Re-Alliance, Regenerative Songlines Australia, Regeneration Melbourne and Permaculture 4 Refugees.
Moira Bergman grew up in the Findhorn Ecovillage in Scotland. She has a background in youth work and non-formal education and has worked on various projects based in England, the Netherlands, Italy, Lesotho and the Philippines. She has studied acting and has a degree in Creative Writing BA (Hons). Since returning home to the Findhorn Ecovillage Community, Moira has served as a Councillor on the NFA (New Findhorn Association) Council for the last 2 years. She is the Link person between GEN and the NFA and has also focused on supporting Young Adults and EU Nationals in the Community, as well as doing outreach and initiating more collaboration both locally and nationally.
Moira is excited to bring her love of writing together with her love of performance through Spoken Word Poetry. She is passionate about using the Arts as a vehicle for personal transformation and social change: a platform for people to speak their truth and inspire each other – a place where the personal and the universal can meet.
We try to have course fees that are sensitive to economic inequalities and disparities in monetary wealth. We aim to have prices that support both what we do and people’s ability to access it. We have a tiered pricing system, asking you to pay what is right for your level of financial resources.
- Regular price: £45
- Sponsorship rate – includes a donation to GEN, enabling us to keep prices low for others: £ 80
If you are already an ambassador and keen to take the course, we can offer you a discount code between 30-50% depending on your region. Please get in touch with your Ambassador Coordinator Benjamin at
In case you don’t see any way to afford the low income course fee, please get in touch with us at do not want finances to stand in the way of learning, and are happy to explore other forms of exchange with you!
Featured image by Eugenie Dumont